Thursday, September 23, 2010

Carmy Peters

The past days have been wonderful for Pennies For A Cause. In this time we have managed to raise money reaching nearly a goal of 47 dollars, and we have also become very lucky to be working with Carmy Peters. Carmy is a lady who is also raising money for cancer and seems to be thrilled to get our donations. Ms. Peters had offered for us to donate the Breast Cancer, Childhood Leukemia, or Lipoma if I am not mistaken. (I am not sure if Lipoma was an option). I have talked amongst my friends about these choices and we think we are ready to do childhood cancer.

We are mainly doing this because we want to give children a chance. We want children like me to be able to live a long and happy life. Parker made a good point today when we were talking. "Imagine if you had cancer and you couldn't do things that others could do and someone was willing to donate to you. You would be thrilled, right?"

We would like to thank Ms. Peters for all that she has done. We are looking forward to meeting her!



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