Friday, September 17, 2010

The Inspiration For This Blog

This blog was created because, I, Remy, was tired. I was tired of hearing about my friend's loved one's that have died or are suffering from cancer. A year ago, my father's Uncle died of Lung Cancer. My grandpa died of Leukemia when I was two years old. Sister Peg, a lady like family died of Colon Cancer almost 4 and a half months ago. Little Taylor Love, a girl I have not met but I know of, Is struggling with Neuroblastoma. I cannot survive another loss. Please... someone help cancer. Start your own program to raise money for these people. We are serious. Don't leave this blog thinking "They're just a group of silly kids." because we are not, certainly not. We have our teachers, principals, family members, and closest friends by our sides and we will not give up until there is a cure for cancer.

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